Ok so we can't be together.
five children and a pleasant woman.
200 miles.
few years.
a whole world.
ok. so we can't be together.
"sooner or later I'll have to do something 'bout the starvation"
Ok. I get it. I don't like it though
How could I be expected to like the thought of you giving it to someone else?
Do you enjoy thinking of me underneath another man?
Well then.
"I can't do it with you so......"
This may be a fact, but it does not make the first statement any easier to bear.
"If we were together , I would have expected you to be monogamous... probably unlikely eh?"
WTF? Are we try to damage the girl this morning?
Would it just be simpler to say; "You are a slut, I don't trust you"?
It would've been quicker to write for sure.
If that's what it's about and you're trying to hurt me and drive me away your choice of words could have been limited.
We could have condensed the whole painful incident into one easy text.
"I'm horny and you can't fix it. On to the next one then...."
Or perhaps instead of
"If we were together , I would have expected you to be monogamous... probably unlikely eh?"
what he had actually said was
"If we were together , would I have expected you to be monogamous... probably unlikely eh?"
He wouldn't have expected monogamy from her from the outset. That's what he said, rather than the other way round. It's a difficult point, but one he already accepts to be part of her nature. She has her needs.
But I guess even with the words in the right order...nothing is resolved. Or made any better.
When told in a blasé fashion that to th interrupted girl monogamy was thought to be a type of wood...th warehouseman can only believe such stuff. It's a clever line, but it doesn't make it less true. She has always said that she couldn't be faithful in a relationship, that it was not in her nature...
But yesterday...it's with that inexorable fact that small, wretched warehouseman's body shuts down and he retires to bed at 8.30 in the evening, possibly never to return
...or to put it another way...condensed down into one easy text...the last few days should, in fact, read:
"some days I manage, cope. face it all with a altruistic smile on my face. but some days, it's really fucking hard not being near her. i miss her, and want to be with her. in every way."
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