although you wont watch
I unwrap my hair
unpin it and let it fall
and count
two socks
baggy jeans
pink knix
black bra
red vest, wide straps
long sleeve top, cream
red sweater, fitted
plus blue belt
nose stud (doesn't count)
I take off my sweater
for you sweetness, and if you could look, you would see me
peel it off my ribs and get my hair tangled up with the neck hole
remove my tops
cream then red
and chuck them both in the wash basket
you can see my bra now, and through it,
if you're looking
and maybe you'll notice my earrings, hanging almost to my bare shoulders.
the earring go next,
left one first
leaving tiny holes besides the silver hoops
those stay, but you know that.
the jeans have to go too
it isn't easy to get that waistband past my hips
I can see how your face would be
watching the (faintly ludicrous) wiggle and stretch
I wish I'd put on better pants for you
but I didn't know you'd be coming along
so they're massive... and petal pink
I had to tie a knot in the side to keep them up
they come off next
now I match
black lacy bra with the socks
knee high
with a thin white line around the top,
just, here....
can you see what else I'm still wearing?
along here...up from there....
to my belly
do you like the fur sweetness?
what would you like babe?
it's all for you,
you know