Wednesday, 8 July 2009

happy birthday

I went to meet my bloke from the airport yesterday. I haven't seen him for near on four months.
I dressed nice and got up at 5am to meet his flight. He came out of arrivals, through those swing doors with two armed policemen who let me say hello before they took him away. I waited all day trying to find out what was happening and worrying that this third breach of his order would send him to prison. At about 4pm he turned up on my doorstep. Bedraggled smelly and freaked out.

They've tagged him and given him a curfew. He came home for my birthday but couldn't stay with me the night before or my birthday proper ( I wasn't born til nine o clock in the evening, so actually it's not yet).

Now the person who told me I could have a party in their houe (I've invited everyone) is making oh-I'm-not-really-sure noises and my best london girlfriend has announced that shes not coming.

Well she's not alone, because what with the curfew my boyfriend can't come either.

It's been raining pretty much all day, and when I had a wash this morning the whole shower thingy came off the wall into my hands.

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