My mummy is cancer free, I am filled with joy :)
My big brother did not throw my biological father into Watchet harbour,
I am very impressed by his self control.
My little sister is settling into her new job and seems to be enjoying it.
My antibiotics have finished making me bonkers
(I went out one night this week to get potatoes for dinner and came home with hair straighteners)
and the infection appears to be gone (fingers still crossed, still drinking gallons of water).
The two male persons who want to keep me are being civil to myself and each other.
More than civil, they are being gentle, generous and warm.
(obviously they loathe each other, but still)
I suck at planning and loathe the teacher in whose class I am working.
But right now I do not care.
I am blessed. I feel it.
I'm going to wash my hair and sing. loudly.
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