Friday, 28 November 2008


My mum loves me and is the best mum of all.

My auntie has an astonishing facility for finding the positive aspects of everything. Even having surgery.

My cousin is up and about again. If a little tentatively.

My loopy brother had some good genetic traits to pass on to a sprog- he's not ugly or thick. Apparently he loves me too, although I usually find that a bit far fetched and definitely do not rely on it.

I have managed without a dyslexia tutor for the last twenty eight years and will keep on compensating as long as I need to. ditto DSA money.

I can't think of a silver lining for the lack of long term counselling, I probably ought to count it as priority number one.

My revolting paedo father will get his comeuppance. The universe is not kind to wife beating, nit-picking, kiddy fiddlers.

There is no silver lining to the bugs either. They have Got To Go.

Whilst it is undoubtedly true that my flatemates are warthogs, they are not dealing coke from the kitchen, nor do they have large unfriendly dogs that shit in the house and try to eat guests. Neither do they have primark moll girlfriends who try to poison the place with "air freshening" toxic chemicals. (This is a surprisingly large blessing.)

The sour puss, control freak, two faced bitch is already making me look good. The kids like me, and that's the really important thing :)

I am way behind with my academic work, but I don't think it is too late yet.

My period is very much arrived. Thus I do not have to concern myself with the possibility of having to feed two mouths on my student loan or my mum having to have a second cow. It isn't even very painful, which is unusual, and lovely. (thank you universe)

I'm pretty tired, but I do not have to get up early in the morning.
And the cold is on it's very last legs. (Yay kiwi fruit!)

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